歡迎來到Dr. Joyce Wu 本拿比牙科診所
Dr. Joyce Wu 本拿比牙科診所是您在本拿比尋求卓越牙科護理的首選目的地。我們擁有一支專業的團隊、先進的技術以及以患者為中心的理念,確保您擁有持久的健康美麗微笑。在我們的診所體驗全面的牙科護理。我們的熟練專業人員使用先進的技術提供各種治療,確保您擁有卓越的口腔健康和自信的微笑。
為什麼選擇 Dr. Joyce Wu 本拿比牙科診所
在 Dr. Joyce Wu 本拿比牙科診所,探索本拿比卓越牙科護理的巔峰。以對患者的同理心和溫柔聞名,我們經驗豐富的團隊保證您享受到舒適宜人的牙科體驗。透過應用尖端技術和最先進的科技,我們將患者滿意度置於首位,並度身訂製個性化的治療計劃以應對獨特需求。立即前來Dr. Joyce Wu 本拿比牙科診所體驗卓越無比的口腔健康護理。
I've been coming here for the past few years (since ~2020; shortly after COVID started, if I recall correctly). Very professional and patient team that takes care of cleaning and fillings. Environment is very relaxing. Every time I come here, I know I'll be well taken care of.
-Edward H
The staffs are awesome. They are very friendly and they spend time with me to explain the treatments. The environment is very nice. The equipment are very new and they are doing very good on the sterilizing. They set up after I sat down that i never have experience. Dentists are very professional.
Best place to solve your dental issues! My friend recommended here to me for my wisdom teeth, all the staff including front desk ladies, dentist and the assistants were so helpful with the whole process. They even did after-surgery follow ups besides appointment reminders so you won’t get lost before and after the appointment.
-Henry X
Excellent dental works, nice environment, and the dentists and staffs are super friendly, patiently and responsible. Normally, I get easy to panic when it comes to dental visit, but this time was calm. I am highly recommend this dental office.